Sarah is just shy of 2 and 1/2.

Sarah is the most delightful little girl.  She is kind and loving to Olivia, and friendly to every stranger she meets.  She is ALWAYS happy, she ALWAYS has a smile on her face, she is ALWAYS ready to play and anyone who knows her will tell you that she is ALWAYS ready for a party!   She is a “people person” and loves to be surrounded by her family and friends.  God help me on the days when everyone is busy and I have to tell her that she’s just stuck with Mom for the day:)  She talks incessantly, sometimes enough to drive me batty.  She has learned and mastered the art of asking a question, and the questions start from the minute she opens her eyes to the minute she closes them.  She must take after her mother.  Nana always said that I was vaccinated with a victrola needle.  She goes to bed each night asking what we’ll be doing the next day and wakes up in the morning only to confirm the previous nights agenda.  Not a day goes by when she doesn’t say or do something to make me laugh.  She’s silly, serious and silver tongued.  She is joy personified.  She fills my heart to overflowing.   She can frustrate me and try my patience when she whines or stubbornly refuses to listen (or…when she pretends not to hear…), but she can also make me extremely proud when she exhibits great compassion or strength or smarts.   She is beautiful.  She is opinionated.  She is fearless.  She is TWO. 

And I know one day I’m going to miss this.


002 Here are some of the statements you’d hear Sarah saying these days….

When she wakes up in the morning or from a nap, she always says, “I’m waiting!!!”

“What are we going to do today?”, is the next sentece out of her mouth after she wakes up and about 10 more times during the day.

“Ooooph, it’s cold out there,” is something she says when she comes in from outside, regardless of the temperature.

If we’re doing something without her, she’ll say, “Guys, what are you doing/eating/watching/playing?”

“Libby, follow me!”

More to come…..Olivia just woke up from her nap!

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