Do you see this precious face?

And this one?

This precious, baby face is the one that makes me ABSOLUTELY certain that having two children is just perfect!
This morning started out great. Everyone in the house slept until almost 7:00 a.m., which is record time around these parts of Massapequa. We all got up, played with some toys, ate breakfast and got dressed. Well, most of us stayed dressed. For the past week or so, I think Olivia has decided that she would prefer living in a nudist camp. I spend most of my days putting on her clothes and she spends her days taking them off. Now, if it’s not too cold in the house, I’ll just leave her with just her diaper on and hope that she doesn’t remove that. However, we do leave the house occasionally and then the attempt to re-dress Olivia commences again.
This morning, it was a particularly hot summer day and we put the air conditioner on and it was quite chilly in the house, so I insisted that she keep some of her clothing on. Olivia had other ideas. She removed her shirt at least a dozen times. Nothing unusual….except for the sudden crying and screaming that lasted about 30 minutes. One minute she was fine, the next minute we were debating whether or not to take her to the emergency room. Usually, with Olivia, you can kiss the boo-boo and she is miraculously healed.
But today was a different story.
She cried and clung to both Dave and I for at least a half an hour. Which is complete unlike Olivia! Occasionally, she would scream and flail her legs, which got me even more nervous. Neither of us could figure out what was wrong. Logically it seemed as if she might have hurt her neck pulling her shirt off or was having terrible gas pains. I really had no way of being sure what the problem was and I was rendered helpless. Which, for a mother, is possibly the worst feeling to have. I ended up taking her out of her Dad’s arms, against her wishes and brought her upstairs to rock her. She asked to lay down in her crib and promptly fell asleep. When she woke up, she lay in her crib singing, “Where is thumb-kin?” Now, I wanted to render her helpless….just kidding….or not :o)
She came downstairs and seemed fine. Within the next five minutes she pointed to her neck again and said, “boo-boo” and this time I wasn’t taking any chances. We re-dressed her, AGAIN and piled everyone into the car for an emergency trip to the doctor. Now, as all children and cars are alike, once you bring them in for service, you cannot find anything wrong with them. On the way to the doctor, Olivia was magically cured. She ate three lollipops in the office waiting room and was as happy as could be.
In the end, the doctor thought her throat looked red which is why he thought she was pointing to her neck and saying, “boo-boo.” We, on the other hand, knew that her throat was red due to the fact that she had done so much crying and then ate a purple, pink and white lollipop before being examined.
Dave and I noticed throughout the day that Olivia had a hard time turning her head to the left. She definitely strained her neck and with a little motrin both her and Mommy would feel better by the next day.
In conclusion, I have made up mind that I am completely content with my two healthy and beautiful little girls and any linguring thoughts of having a third child have disappeared.
Here’s Daddy and Livi after the visit to the doctor’s office. Cute, isn’t she!!!