Well, we’re back from another trip to Dellwood Acres, PA. This is Mom’s 26th year, Dad’s 5th year, Sarah’s 3rd year and Livi’s 2nd year! We were nervous about going this time around because we weren’t sure how we would manage with a 1 and a 2 year old, but it turned out to be a wonderful, fun-filled time for everyone!
How to describe Dellwood Acres? Hmmmm……
Well, to begin with, I would say that it’s a wonderful place to vacation if you enjoy simplicity; which I think everyone could use a little of now and again. It’s a throw back to earlier times when people created their own entertainment. There are no video games, tv’s or computers and I would say telephones, but now a days everyone has a cell phone which they can use. The cabins are nestled in between two beautiful lakes. Although, my children will only ever know of one lake since I’m scared of the bear that walks around near the bottom lake:) There’s a recreation room, but again, you must create your own recreation. There is also a rickety, broken down, old as the ages bowling alley in which you set up your own pins, send the ball back down a make shift ramp and then bowl with a bowling ball the size of a small cantelope. One would think that no one would use it, but Sarah and the other little kids LOVED it and asked to bowl several times a day. There is a beautiful pool, which despite the 80 degree temperatures is always too cold to swim in. There are also a few swings, a slide and a couple of little toy ponies to ride. It may not sound like much, but it is always more than enough. With the entire Defendini/Wagner family there to play with at any given moment, you realize quickly that you don’t miss all the conveniences of home. And when it’s time leave, no one wants to go! Most of all, the adults.
This year Sarah and Olivia slept in separate “pack-n-plays” but in the same room. I can’t tell you how cute the two girls were. Olivia kept Sarah awake each night an additional hour because she would not stop talking and singing. The song of choice this year for Olivia was “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”! She sang the song beautifully for an 18 month old, however the only problem with her rendition was that Old MacDonald only ever had a cow. And she sang it over and over and over and over…. Sarah would respond by saying, “Olivia, just go to sleep!” And then both girls would crack up. When they got tired enough, they would check to see that I was still in the other room and then call me in to pick up “paci’s” that fell on the floor or just to get some more kisses, which I was more than happy to give until I was called in for the 100th time! Then both were tucked in and firmly told to go to sleep or else!
Here’s some of my favorite pictures taken this year.

Luke and Sarah (One of my favorite pictures of the year!)



Nana and her Darling!

Jackson and Lily's first Dellwood!

After much prompting to get Sarah in the pool, you couldn't get her out!

Getting all "dolled" up for the pool!

Pure Happiness!