Today was a special day. 

First, Sarah asked to use the potty and she made “peepee”!  Truth be told, she squeezed out about 5 drops and scared herself off the toilet :0)  But, she got a present from Mommy anyway….two hula hoops.  Livi Kate couldn’t be left out!  She cheered Sarah on!

Second, Sarah put on her own sneakers by herself…..on the right feet too!!!!

Finally, today in the car, Livi and Sarah had their first official conversation.  It went something like this:

Livi:  “Sarah?”

Sarah:  “Yes?”

Livi:  “Wha doing?”

Sarah:  “What are you doing?”

Livi:  “I U” (in English translates to, “I Love You”)

Sarah: “I U”

Livi: (blows kiss)

Sarah: (blows kiss)