Olivia is 16 months going on 16 years old!
How do I begin to describe my Olivia? Maybe a picture would help!
This photo truly encompasses Olivia’s personality. She is undeniably cute, playful, happy, sweet and funny.
What you don’t see in the picture is how incredibly smart she is. She has always acted older than her true age. She started speaking at 10 months old and hasn’t stopped since. She’s mature and can keep up with her sister and cousins with no problem. She can sing her ABC’s, count to 10 and knows countless nursery rhymes and songs. At a year old, she knew everyone in the family and could say their names….even, Aunt Sharlene!!!
When she gets excited, she shakes her arms in the air and shouts, “Wooohooo”. She loves to play and she loves to be free. Olivia never liked being “put in” anything, ie: walker, jumper, playpen, swing…etc….
In as many was as Olivia is similar to Sarah, she is different. She LOVES her sister and imitates everything she does. She is always a little lost when Sarah is not around. Sarah is her sister, her playmate and her best friend. Olivia also LOVES..might I say it again..LOVES her Daddy! He is the first person she asks for in the morning and when he’s working, she asks for him throughout the day. When he’s home, I may as well be invisible. Yes…me, her Mother, the person who carried her for nine months and gave birth to her, is now non-existent when Dad is in the room.
Olivia’s a little bowl legged and pigeon toed and when she walks, she wiggles her head and body back and forth. Needless to say, she makes me laugh just by walking into a room.
Olivia is also a little mischievous. I never had to lock a cabinet or drawer until my Livi came along. Not only is she into everything, but she has taught Sarah to get into things Sarah never even considered doing.
She is a precious, precious little girl and I can’t ever remember a time without her….nor do I want too!