Our trip to Target today was filled with some thrills and spills!!! Ok…no thrills…all spills! I decided to put both girls in the carriage rather than deal with whose standing up in the back of the shopping cart. I quickly realized that the only problem with the carriage was that EVERYTHING is in perfect reach of their cute little, chubby fingers. As we strolled into the store past the “one-dollar” items, things started flying off the shelves and making their way into our carriage. Mind you, these were not things I needed nor wanted.
The first spill happened on the way down the craft aisle. Sarah grabbed an extra large box of crayola crayons and began to open them. I couldn’t blame her. Who doesn’t love a brand new box of crayons? However, in my attempt to regain control of the crayon box, Sarah threw them and 125 crayons were scattered from one end of the aisle to the other. I tried to leave the scene of the crime, when both Sarah and Olivia began, quite loudly saying, “Uh-oh, what happend to the crayons?” I quickly diverted their attention elsewhere as I did not want to pick up 125 crayons!
The middle of our shopping trip was filled with the normal banter…”I need crackers!” “I need juice!” “Baa Baa!” “Down!”
Unfortunately, our exit from the store was not a quiet one either. While I was emptying the items from the cart, unbeknowst to me, Sarah had helped herself to a super-sized bag of M&M’s and proceeded to open them. Presuamably to share them with her sister! While ripping the bag open, she apparently lost control and the M&M’s spilled all over the floor. The girls were now screaming for the candy, which they couldn’t reach. Believe it or not, not one M&M’ made it into their carriage! All that work for nothing!!The clerk couldn’t have been nicer and told me not to worry about picking anything up and she talked and played with the girls as we checked out.
Lesson learned: Don’t go shopping with kids!!!