It has been quite a week. Dave went away on a business trip for a couple of days in Salt Lake City, Utah and came home just in the nick of time to take care of two sick kids and to take one “neck-spasmed” wife to the ER and then to the Orthopedist. I’m sure he’s thanking his lucky stars he came home so soon. Somehow I think he’d rather have stayed with the Mormons and joined The Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints! He certainly would have found more peace there
I sit here on Saturday, with my neck a little twisted and some pain going down my arm. But I’m grateful that both my girls are fever free and I’m feeling a little better!
During all of the comotion this week, my little Livi figured out how to climb onto the chair in the green room. But if you know Livi like I know her, it’s not enough just to be able to sit on the chair. Nooooooo, she must also stand on the chair and give her mother a heart attack a hundred times a day.
Here’s the proof captured on film!